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Organisational changes to the Coface Global Solutions Team at Coface UK

As part of our continued focus on client service experience and commitment to growth, Coface has made changes to its CGS UK & Ireland team. These changes reinforce our commitment to service excellence and our ambition to become the partner of choice for multinational clients.

While we will continue to operate as one cohesive team, we have created an additional Head of Account Management role to enhance our capabilities.

This role has been established to further strengthen our client servicing and manage our diverse portfolio. Adam Kennedy has been appointed to this role and will work alongside Ben Handley to enhance our clients' experience.


Adam Kennedy, Head of Account Management

This new role will enable the UK team to optimise operational efficiencies and further develop the Coface Global Solutions offering, positioning us as the underwriter of choice for brokers and multinational organisations. Adam is delighted to drive the focus on maintaining and enhancing the Coface Global Solutions service proposition, ensuring superior support, and streamlined processes for clients and brokers.

This change to the CGS team comes following strategic changes and recruitment in other Coface UK and Ireland sectors. Karen Lawson was appointed into a new role, Head of Broker Relationships, in January to help strengthen Coface’s working relationships with commercial partners. Scott Morrison joined as our new Head of Financial Institutions in May.

Scott Morrison, Head of Financial Institutions 

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